In 1977, a US Representative hailing from Iowa, Tom Harkin, held a small steak fry as a fundraiser for his re-election campaign that attracted about 20 supporters. Since that time, Harkin's Annual Steak Fry has grown to become a must-attend event for Democratic candidates, party officials, activists and caucus goers; this year approximately 12,000 are expected to attend.
The Iowa Independent's John Deeth has some great information on the history of the Steak Fry at his blog that is a fun read.
This year, six Presidential candidates--Biden, Clinton, Dodd, Edwards, Obama and Richardson--will be attending and speaking at the event, along with Iowa's three Congressional Representatives. It's a beautiful, sunny day in Indianola, and the crowd promises to be lively and enthusiastic.
I offer this dairy as a live thread for those who are following today's festivities, which is being broadcast live on C-Span. The event will also be live streamed courtesy